WE-PS01 Catafracts x 1
WE-PS02 Elephants x 1
Lance. Random mix of 12 cavalry, including command...
Elephants(2). Bow & javelin, including optional command...
Lance, bow. Random mix of 12 cavalry, including command...
Lance, bow. Random mix of 12 cavalry, including command...
Lance, bow, shield. Random mix of 12 cavalry, including command...
Lance, bow, shield. Random mix of 12 cavalry, including command...
Javelin, bow, shield. Random mix of 12 cavalry...
Javelin, shield. Random mix of 24 Infantry, including command...
Javelin, shield. Random mix of 24 Infantry, including command...
Bow(12), Sling(12). Random mix of 24 Infantry...
Sassanid Heavy Infantry.Random mix of 24 Infantry.Includes command, only if shown on the product pic..
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